
Base Branch

Is your team using the Git-Flow workflow which merges all feature branches into the develop branch instead of the master branch?

You can modify the Base Branch via 'Edit Settings' on each subscribed repository in

Update Frequency

Do you prefer daily updates or weekly updates?

You can modify the Update Frequency via 'Edit Settings' on each subscribed repository in

Private RubyGems on Bitbucket

Do you have private RubyGems hosted on Bitbucket listed in your Gemfile:

gem "your_private_gem", bitbucket: "your_org/your_private_gem"

Please add deppbot as a collaborator on, to allow deppbot to clone the private Rubygem while doing bundle update.

To add deppbot as a collaborator:

  1. Go to
  2. Settings > Access Management > Users
  3. Add deppbot with READ access.

For more information, please read the documentation from Bitbucket.